
NYC Taxi Travel Time Prediction through Leveraging Geographical Information

We present a method of leveraging known geographical separations to better estimate travel times by car between two points in a city, specifically New York City.

Query Biased Multi-Document Abstractive Summarisation

Implemented multiple modifications and techniques for improving the state-of-the-art TPMS system. Proposed and implemented an alternating optimization approach for completing the matrix of relevance scores between paper vectors and author vectors. Still in progress.

Augmented Reality Authoring

Developed a novel end-to-end interface that allows easy authoring of Augmented Reality experiences from natural language input, allowing visualization of any text in Augmented Reality. Patent is under consideration.

Cross Modal Media Retrieval

Aimed at utilising the emotional information present in images and audios to perform cross modal media retrieval. We propsed a hypothesis, and two methods, implemented them, and performed experiments to verify our claims.

Quantum Machine Learning

Studied two of the most widely used machine learning strategies, namely K-Nearest Neighbours algorithm and Perceptron Learning algorithm, in a quantum setting, and study the speedups that the quantum modules allow over the classical counterparts.

Reviewer Recommendation for Conference Paper Submissions

Implemented multiple modifications and techniques for improving the state-of-the-art TPMS system. Proposed and implemented an alternating optimization approach for completing the matrix of relevance scores between paper vectors and author vectors.